Common Eye Conditions and Treatment Options

Eye health is just as important as our overall physical health. If you suffer from cataracts or other eye problems, finding the best eye doctor is of paramount importance. To help you find the best eye doctor, the following is a list of some common ailments and the best treatment options for them.

Finding the Best Eye Doctor

A good place to start if you’re concerned about your eye health is finding a great eye doctor. Begin your search by looking through reviews. This will help you to discover the qualities you want in an eye care professional or ophthalmologist. In addition, make sure you complete some preliminary research on the eye condition you may have. That way, when you do find the right eye doctor, you can hone in on specific symptoms you’re experiencing. Some common eye conditions include cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal issues. Let’s review them:


Cataracts can cause vision impairment in those aged 40 and older. More than 24.4 million Americans suffer from the effects of cataracts. By age 75, nearly half of all Americans have cataracts. If your vision is not impaired severely by cataracts, surgery is not typically recommended. Adjusting your eye-wear is usually the only step that needs to be taken, but, should cataracts significantly impair your vision, surgery is recommended. Fortunately, this surgery is typically outpatient and causes little pain and discomfort. During this procedure, an artificial lens, called an intraocular lens, is placed in the eye. Your eye doctor can help you determine what lens is best for you based on your personal preference.


Glaucoma slowly erodes your eyesight over time. Typically without symptoms, glaucoma is especially insidious. If left untreated, it can cause blindness. The direct cause is not known, but there are a few risk factors that may contribute to the development of glaucoma. Some of the higher risk factors include eye pressure and advanced age. Glaucoma progressively damages the optic nerve – the connective tissue between the eye and brain. When the optic nerve becomes irreparably damaged, vision is lost. This is why catching glaucoma early is key. Early signs to look for include tunnel vision, visual disturbance in low light, blurry vision, and halos around lights.

Retinal Damage Is a Serious Concern

The retina is tissue along the back of the eye. Cells, known as cones and rods, make up the retina. When working together, they are what helps us to see. When a retina becomes damaged, it can cause a host of issues. While other issues can result in vision loss and an undamaged retina doesn’t necessarily ensure clear vision, it’s still an important factor in eye health. Serious vision issues and blindness can be the result of an unhealthy retina. If a more serious condition develops, such as retinal detachment, vision can be destroyed. A retinal detachment is a grave issue that can cause blindness if not repaired. Surgery for this condition is recommended and typically has a great success rate. Retinal detachment surgery uses techniques to return the retina to its proper position. Prevention is key to be sure the retina is performing as it should and for optimal eye health.

Healthy eyes are extremely important, as most of what we perceive comes through the sense of sight. With the proper eye protection and care, the odds of serious eye condition or blindness are greatly reduced. The best eye doctor can provide quality care to ensure your eyes are functioning at their best.