It’s recommended you have a routine eye checkup once a year if you’re over the age of 50, and once every three years if you’re younger than 50. Keep in mind if you have an existing medical condition such as diabetes, you should see an eye doctor at least yearly. As such, you should choose an eye center with the best doctors. Here’s what to consider when choosing an eye center for your eye care:

1. Qualifications of the Eye Doctors

Eye Consultants of Atlanta has only board certified and board eligible doctors, the latter which are younger and in the certification process. Our doctors have multiple areas of expertise, and we cover all ranges of eye care. We perform basic eye exams as well as complex evaluations and surgeries. We’re leaders in our fields, and give opinions for simple and complex cases.

2. The Spectrum of Eye Care Services

Eye Consultants of Atlanta offers a full range of eye care. Our doctors perform basic exams for vision evaluations, exams for diabetic eye care, and offer care of all types of eye conditions. We perform the full spectrum of eye surgeries. We care for patients of all ages from newborns to the most senior of patients. Our contact lens and optical departments provide routine and specialized care, and give a hands- on, personal touch.

You can schedule your routine eye doctor appointments with complete confidence that any eye disease detected will be well-handled by your eye doctor. Routine eye checkups may detect farsightedness and nearsightedness and also aid early detection of chronic diseases such as cancer, stroke, and diabetes.

3. Specialty Treatment

Eye Consultants of Atlanta provides thorough and in-depth eye care, and all subspecialties of ophthalmology are represented. If a patient’s eye disease needs the most specific and expert treatment, our practice can provide that care in a well-coordinated and seamless manner. In a manner of speaking, we have everything under one roof. When detected early, most eye diseases are readily treatable, so it’s prudent to obtain routine eye checkups periodically.

4. Local Reputation of the Eye Center

Eye Consultants of Atlanta has been an active part of the metro Atlanta ophthalmology scene for 50 years. We have experts recognized in their fields, and have many doctors named as “Top Doctors” in the region.

5. The Convenience of the Eye Care Center

Eye Consultants of Atlanta offers many convenient locations throughout the metro Atlanta region. Our locations have been created to improve patient access, and many locations offer extended business hours.

Your eye health is crucial to your overall health. Routine eye checkups from Eye Consultants of Atlanta r can help identify potential health concerns and keep your eyes working well.